Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullaahi Warabarakaatuh.
Dalam lawatan saya ke United Kingdom baru-baru ini saya berkesempatan bertemu dan menyampaikan ucapan kepada pelajar-pelajar Malaysia di London di dalam majlis anjuran UKEC pada 9hb April, 2011. Ucapan penuhnya telah saya paparkan dalam pos blog sebelum ini.
Pada keesokan harinya, 10hb April, 2011, saya telah bertemu dengan pelajar-pelajar Melayu yang sedang mengadakan mesyuarat perwakilan KELAB UMNO bahagian United Kingdom dan Eire yang dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil dari cawangan-cawangan KELAB UMNO di sana.
Dalam perjumpaan saya dengan UKEC hanya 2 soalan telah dikemukakan oleh seorang pelajar dan seorang dewasa yang bekerja di London yang turut hadir dalam majlis itu. Saya diberitahu banyak soalan mengenai ekonomi, rasuah dan perlembagaan telah dikemukan kepada penceramah-penceramah dan peserta majlis dialog yang turut dihadiri oleh tokoh-tokoh dari ISIS, MACC, Parti-Parti Pembangkang dan Mantan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi.
Dalam pertemuan saya dengan ahli-ahli Kelab UMNO yang berkumpul di Sheffield banyak soalan telah ditanya setelah saya selesai berucap.
Sebelum berangkat pulang saya telah diberi beberapa helai kertas yang mengandungi soalan-soalan berikut, dan saya turunkan di bawah ini jawapan saya bagi soalan-soalan itu.
Dalam lawatan saya ke United Kingdom baru-baru ini saya berkesempatan bertemu dan menyampaikan ucapan kepada pelajar-pelajar Malaysia di London di dalam majlis anjuran UKEC pada 9hb April, 2011. Ucapan penuhnya telah saya paparkan dalam pos blog sebelum ini.
Pada keesokan harinya, 10hb April, 2011, saya telah bertemu dengan pelajar-pelajar Melayu yang sedang mengadakan mesyuarat perwakilan KELAB UMNO bahagian United Kingdom dan Eire yang dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil dari cawangan-cawangan KELAB UMNO di sana.
Dalam perjumpaan saya dengan UKEC hanya 2 soalan telah dikemukakan oleh seorang pelajar dan seorang dewasa yang bekerja di London yang turut hadir dalam majlis itu. Saya diberitahu banyak soalan mengenai ekonomi, rasuah dan perlembagaan telah dikemukan kepada penceramah-penceramah dan peserta majlis dialog yang turut dihadiri oleh tokoh-tokoh dari ISIS, MACC, Parti-Parti Pembangkang dan Mantan Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi.
Dalam pertemuan saya dengan ahli-ahli Kelab UMNO yang berkumpul di Sheffield banyak soalan telah ditanya setelah saya selesai berucap.
Sebelum berangkat pulang saya telah diberi beberapa helai kertas yang mengandungi soalan-soalan berikut, dan saya turunkan di bawah ini jawapan saya bagi soalan-soalan itu.
1) How transparent is our elections?
The question of transparency in any election, General Election or By-Election, is always raised by non-Barisan Nasional losers in the election. A winning BN candidate will always defend the transparency or sarcastically say that if it is more transparent then the margin of his or her victory will be bigger.
The opposition party at the Federal level will not question the transparency of an election in Kelantan, Kedah, Penang or Selangor where they won the election.
Therefore this suspicion on transparency is not genuine.
When losers in any election complain about transparency or malpractices I am always reminded of what Tan Sri Konosuke Matsushita ( Born November 27, 1894, died April 27, 1989 and conferred Tan Sri in February 1979 ) the Founder of National Panasonic Electric company, wrote on the practice of democracy.
Tan Sri Matsushita said in his writing that a society can greatly benefit and practice democracy peacefully if its voters have the 'susyi' and 'sunao' attitude.
'Susyi' is an attitude whereby a winner, even if with only a one vote majority, will accept the responsibility, of a winner, as if he had obtained all the votes and serve all the voters in the constituency without prejudice. A loser on the other hand, even if with only one vote majority, should regard himself as having lost all the votes to the winner.
The winner with one vote need not go around annoyingly trying to impress the voters that even if by one vote it is still a victory.
The loser with one vote defeat should also not brag around that one vote victory is not real victory.
'Sunao' on the other hand is the ability of the winner and the loser, in an election, to see the goodness in his or her rival after the contest.
This attitude is glaringly shown by Tun Dr. Mahathir when he kept on appointing Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to ministerial posts after Tengku Razaleigh lost twice to Tun Musa Hitam in the contest for the UMNO Deputy Presidency.
Tun Musa was annoyed with these appointments.
But Tun Dr. Mahathir also did not remove Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah from the cabinet when the Tengku challenged him for the post of UMNO President with the intention of ousting Tun Dr Mahathir from his premier seat.
After Tun Musa Hitam resigned and supported Tengku Razaleigh in the Tengku's effort to dethrone Tun Dr. Mahathir, Tun Musa was still appointed by Tun Dr. Mahathir to represent Malaysia at the United Nations.
Later, when another of those who opposed and tried to topple Tun Mahathir from the premiership, becomes the Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah was able to appoint Tun Musa to become the chairman of Sime Darby, with exorbitantly big salaries and allowance, probably more than what a Prime Minister earns, to rule over an oil palm empire the total acreage of which is bigger than the size of Singapore.
But of course Sime Darby incurred a big loss, though it is also recovering well.
Had Mahathir not have the 'susyi' and 'sunao' attitude he would have dumped Tun Musa Hitam, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Tengku Razaleigh into oblivion.
2) Is there any possibility for UMNO and PAS to unite? A brief about unity talk that has taken place (if any) then what's next?
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